All Washington lacrosse clubs and associations must now follow all steps outlined below to ensure they are compliant with the law. The two requirements that directly affect registration processes include:
1. Annually require all players and the parent(s)/guardian(s) of those players to sign and return an informed consent form relating to the nature and risk of concussion or head injury. This information sheet shall include the signs and symptoms of concussion/brain injury and will be provided at the time of registration.
2. Ensuring that all coaches (paid or volunteer) are educated in the nature and risk of concussion or head injury prior to the first practice/competition. This education shall include signs and symptoms of concussion/brain injury. Resources for this education are available in both English and Spanish in the Documents section on this site.
As an IYL parent or athlete, the information on head injuries we are providing on the IYL website [IYL>Documents] is important to review and understand. The new registration procedures are in effect for our 2010 season and are an important part of this effort. The risks of concussion or other brain injury have not suddenly increased but youth sports organizations, medical professionals and government policy-makers are making brain injury awareness and education a top priority for good reason. As parents we invest a lot into our young athletes and as athletes we invest a lot into our sports - knowing the symptoms of sports and recreation related brain injury is an important part of that investment.So dedicate 10 minutes to reviewing the Parents and Athletes Concussion Fact-sheets, print them out and tape on the fridge....